Saturday March 26th , 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Vermilion Community College CL104
1900 East Camp Street
Ely, MN 55731
Presentations by Local Fire Practitioners, Viewing of fire equipment used, Q & A with USFS representatives
Register here to access FREE event:
Sharing knowledge on HOW prescribed fire is used as a vital tool in restoring and promoting resilient forests
Presentations include:
- What is a Burn Plan? Parameters and challenges.
- Weather, smoke management, communication, cooperator coordination and equipment used.
Followed by an overview of 2022 USFS land management projects.
Questions? Contact Gloria@ (218)365-0878 or
Mask requirements for indoor campus spaces have ended. Effective immediately (Friday, March 4). Please remember that individuals can continue wearing masks if they prefer. (Click here for additional VCC COVID-19 Information).
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